Monday, October 21, 2024

 My latest book on nursing history has just been published. This book involved the transcribing of a diary of the First World War NZ Army nursing sister, and annotating it with additional content, drawing on my research in this area.

he book is available both in NZ and the UK.

(Other countries can be posted from NZ but will need to check the postage first.

Please email me at for more details.

Sunday, May 14, 2023

NZ Nurse Anaesthetists of World War One International Nurses Day 12 May 2023

 This is a recording of the presentation I gave at the Hisotric Christchurch Nurses' memorial Chapel on International Nurses Day, 12 May 2023.

Lee, E. (2003). Silencing pain amidst the gunfire World War I and the development of anesthesia. Can Anesthesiol Soc18(4).

Marr, M. C., Dupanovic, I., Sefcsik, V. Z., Mehta, N., & Chin, E. L. (2020). They Were There: American Women Physicians and the First World War. The Permanente Journal24.doi: 10.7812/TPP/20.032

Metcalfe, N. H. (2011). Sir Geoffrey Marshall (1887–1982): respiratory physician, catalyst for anaesthesia development, doctor to both Prime Minster and King, and World War I Barge Commander. Journal of Medical Biography19(1), 10-14, J., & Hawker, R. (2015). The development, impact and use of anaesthesia in World War One. ACORN: The Journal of Perioperative Nursing in Australia28(2), 20-23.Nelson, L. (2018). An Unsung Hero: Anne Penland, Nurse Anesthetist. AANA Journal86(2), 64-71.Watson, J. S. (2002). Wars in the wards: The social construction of medical work in First World War Britain. Journal of British Studies41(4), 484-510.

Sunday, April 30, 2023

 It was fantastic to be part of the global aromatic community over the weekend. For those who came to my presentation thank you/ here is the references for the presentation.

Saturday, April 29, 2023

Book Review

Dr. Wendy Maddocks, RN, DHlthSci, Nurse Academic and aromatherapist

April 2023

Integrating Clinical Aromatherapy into Palliative Care by Carol Rose

Publisher: Singing Dragon

Available to pre order in Southern Hemisphere from RRP NZ$69.44

This much awaited book makes an extremely valuable addition to any clinician, whether aromatherapist or other health professional who is involved in palliative care.  The book easily crosses the ground between a palliative care clinician with minimal knowledge of aromatherapy and an aromatherapist with little knowledge of palliative care. Carol writes from her extensive clinical experience both as a registered nurse and aromatherapist and uses language in a considered professional way. Evident through all the text is the profound desire to make this time of someone’s life as comfortable as possible, whilst upholding principles of safety and efficacy.

The 300+ page is divided into 15 chapters, taking us on a journey from the background explanation of what palliative care is, through to evidence based practice then leading us into a detailed chapter on what exactly essential oils are associated aromatics are. The comprehensive table of key constituents, plants present tin and possible functions is an excellent resource for any aromatherapist. Again, the focus is very much on safety and quality.

Chapter three introduces us to the myriad of ways essential oils can be incorporated, again with safety at the forefront with a brief discussion of the types of medications and cautions needed (such as not using oils high in 1,8 cineole) which can increase dermal absorption of some drugs. Excellent consideration of techniques such as compresses, foot baths and the stick inhalers rather than diffusers. Chapter four talks about resilience and the information in this chapter reaches far wider than aromatherapy and palliative care- we can all learn something to apply in our own lives. A case study provides a wonderful example.

The spiritual aspects are explored in chapter five and introduces the reader to the notion of spiritual distress felt by many undergoing palliative or end of life care. I especially liked the language around spiritual assessment, which is not religion dependent. Some aromatic suggestions are provided to help ease spiritual distress. These notions are anchored with some excellent case studies.

Chapters, six, seven, eight and nine all approach the specifics of cancer. Up to this point the term palliative care has care has been an inclusive term, as not all palliative patients have cancer and not all cancer patients need palliative care. Each chapter is anchored with at least one case study. Each chapter highs cancer specific concerns such as pain relief, cancer fatigue and treatment issues and how aromatherapy can be integrated into management of these symptoms. There is a very helpful discussion in chapter 9 on the endocannabinoid system and a brief view of cannabinoid benefits for some of these symptoms.

Chapters ten, eleven, and twelve follow three key pathological sequelae of palliative and end of life care, regardless of the underlying disease. Chapter eleven explores breathlessness; chapter twelve looks at all the gastrointestinal effects (including oral care) and chapter thirteen is all related to the skin. Each chapter has a solid discussion of the underlying pathology (disease changes) and the current typical medical treatment. Then an exploration of the possible evidence-based aromatherapy benefits, again supported with a case study. Each of these chapters can be used across any number of clinical areas and while some of the language is technical, by its nature, the information contained is invaluable to ensure the best treatment is used to manage symptoms without adding any risk of harm to the patient.

Carol is careful not to exclude the burden on caregiver sand family members with a loved one undergoing palliative or end of life care. In many countries palliative care is delivered in the home supported by expert clinicians reaching out from a hospice service. However, in some cases this is not so and the burden to provide care falls heavily on family members to navigate this difficult pathways for their loved ones. Chapter thirteen  on resilience also has lessons which relate to wider life, with lots of handy strategies.

I must admit chapter fourteen had me in tears reading the case studies of the last moments of life and how aromatherapy can assist.  Some of the content on grief was valuable, and my only suggestion here is I would have liked to seen the seminal work by Dr Lois TonkIn, about growing around grief, mentioned, which grew out of the recognition that grief doesn’t go through stages as initially posited by Kubler-Ross.

The final chapter is a short chapter with good suggestions for the way to move forward through more research, better quality research and early referral to integrated palliative service.

Then follows the exceptionally strong reference list 

In conclusion

 Carol’s book makes a considered and valuable addition to aromatherapy and palliative care. It is not a book of recipes for problems, rather than approach is to provide detailed background to what the issues are, what can be done to help and comes from a position of the reader having some sort of baseline understanding of patient care and medical language. Whilst I would not consider this a book for beginning practitioners of aromatherapy, I do consider it an essential one for anyone who wishes to expand their knowledge. It should be available in every hospice as a reference book and used as  a reference in any courses about palliative care. Congratulations Carol for bring this book to life.

Wednesday, November 2, 2022

 "Broken Nurses Research"

 My other passion is Nursing history and I recently presented at the great war group conference in Chester, UK. This is a summary of the presentation I gave which is part of a research study I am currently undertaking. The following is a zoom recording. The title of the presentation is called "Broken Nurses". copyright Wendy Maddocks

Sunday, November 14, 2021

Covid Advice 2021

 As we in New Zealand, like the rest of the world, come to realise that COVID-19 and the long covid effects are going to be around for a while yet, it is only natural that people are looking for solutions to help. You may wonder what qualifications do I have to comment- firstly I am a registered nurse with past experience in critical care, I am also trained in clinical aromatherapy for over 25 years, have studied, researched and taught it. My doctorate degree explored the use of essential oils in the side effects of cancer treatment. I maintain my currency by reading scientific journals and attending scientific conferences. I don't listen to marketing. I have recently completed a review of some 250 clinical studies on aromatherapy.

First up I am going to be very frank and that vaccination is the first and most important tool in our toolbox. Without this the virus will continue to mutate and seek out the most vulnerable. This is already happening in the countries of Africa, where there are low vaccination numbers and other strains emerging. Barely a year ago the global community could only hope a vaccine could be developed, and now there are several available. this blog post is not about the merits of one type of vaccine against another. Science and history tells us vaccines save lives, and for COVID-19  if we are unlucky enough to catch it even though vaccinated, it significantly reduces the severity of our symptoms and reduces the chances of us needing hospital care.

Let me also be very clear, COVID-19 is not 'just a flu' (remember influenza is also a potentially fatal infection and not something to be brushed off). Just a few short years ago we had the Swine flu in NZ and healthy young people died.

Tuesday, November 9, 2021

The Safe Use of Aromatherapy in Cancer Care

 In November of 2021 I gave a short presentation to patients and other therapists who access the services of the NZ Cancer Society and the Leukaemia and Blood Cancer Society. Click on the above image to take you to the presentation. The information in this presentation is of a general nature and does not imply a professional treatment or diagnosis. please discus any complementary therapies, natural supplement or alternative therapies you are using with your register health care professional who is managing your cancer.

(c) Wendy Maddocks 2021

Tuesday, October 26, 2021

Antifungal Effects of Kānuka Oil- Kunzea ericoides

 Please look at my latest research on Kānuka oil on two common pathogenic dermatophytes.

Geographical location has an impact on efficacy

Friday, May 21, 2021

Essence of Clinical Aromatherapy Presentation 21 May 2021

 Kia ora

thanks for watching the presentation!

The presentation is now publicly available here. This link takes you to the youtube link.

here is the reference list for the presentation. Please note the two articles are still with the journal publishers being reviewed and will they are accepted for publication I will post links here. This reference list is just of the articles which I reviewed and is not the entire reference list for the articles.

the link to the list is here 

Best wishes Wendy

Wednesday, December 2, 2020

The use of natural Supplements and remedies by New Zealanders during the 2020 Covid Lockdown; A survey


The use of natural supplements and remedies by New Zealanders during the 2020 COVID 19 Lockdown: Survey

Dr. Wendy Maddocks (RN, DHlthSc)

July 30, 2020

 Executive Summary;

This survey was completed just after the level 4 COVID 19 lockdown in May 2020. The survey was live for two weeks when the country moved to level 3 and before level 2 commenced. You indicated you would like a copy of the results. Please be assured your results could not be personally identified in the study and the request for results was separated from the survey.

A full analysis and article has been submitted for publication in an international peer reviewed journal July 30 2020. This is an executive summary of the key findings of the study. Some details have been omitted to protect privacy of participants.

The request to participate in the online survey was posted on Facebook, Linked In, Twitter and several online chat forums and participants were asked to share the survey with their own networks.

A total of 124 surveys were completed correctly with all participants indicated they used some form of natural remedies.


89% of respondents were female and 79% were aged between 36-65 years old.

80.73% respondents identified as New Zealand European/Pākeha

95% of respondents spent lock down in their own home

No respondents had tested positive for COVID 19 or been in quarantine or isolation at that time


31.7% had increased their use of natural remedies and supplements in direct response to the risk of COVID19. Supplements chosen had a perceived antiviral or immune boosting effect. Vitamin C was the most popular remedy chosen. Most people purchased their supplements either at a supermarket or pharmacy with only 6.5% obtaining supplements from a qualified practitioner. Five percent of participants prepared their own remedies. Around 40% told their Dr or registered health professional about their use of supplements or natural remedies. The remainder either didn’t or were selective in what information they gave depending on what they were seeing the Dr. about. The following images provide further summary of findings.

Full article available by subscription from 

Table 1


% used

Vitamin C


Multivitamin/mineral supplement


Commercial herbal teas


Essential oils/aromatherapy
